Monday, January 28, 2013


I've been thinking how we all can be a little bit unappreciative of the life that God has given us. I'm not trying to preach any one because I know that I'm not a perfect daughter of God but I do have faith, hope, doubts, and fears just like every one else. But I believe that no matter who you are you still yearn for some greater force to help guide you through things. We all need a shoulder to lean on, whether that shoulder be physical or spiritual. Whoever your God is, he is the king of our creation and he made you with 3 beautiful gifts that anyone can receive....the gift of Life....the power to Love......and the freedom and right to Choose.

Do you actually Live Life? I know for me its still a big work in progress but at least I try. Do you use your Power to Love? Yes for females this come easier but it does not mean that men have to be insensitive. Saying you care for someone, whether its just as friends or a deep connection. We all have some form of love in our hearts we just don't let it show of fear of vulnerability. Do you really realize the how your choices affect you forever. 

So all I would suggest that we as human beings start to do is appreciate! Appreciate those who came before us and fought to give us rights, options, freedoms, and curious minds. Appreciate the ones that are around you now, because there are over 7 billion other people that they can be faithful friends with. Yes we all have our own definition of faithful but in the end its still means some form of Loyalty. Appreciate your life and make sure you at least try to live it without too many regrets, worry, nor stress.

Lost Lives....

A week or two ago I had some people around me tell me how they had recently lost people in their lives and all I could think about was how life is not promised to anyone. You know the saying "Death comes in 3's" well for me this month I have found out 5 people have died so far that were from friends and only 1 that I knew. I only knew this nice, charismatic girl through a family member because they were best friends for years. She died at a young age due to health problems and it is a very sad situation because she had the opportunity to get healthy. Unfortunately she was young and when your young and trying to figure out who your friends are you get peer pressured. Now I know I may be making myself sound older than I already am but I truly and only 25 but I tend to think/refer to things like I'm well past 35/40. Weird? My family thinks so, but I can't help it. All I know, is that the whole time that I was trying to come to terms with this youthful girl is that just lost her life was......what if it was me or someone I truly care about and love. NOW I know that a lot of people would read this and think, hear we go again, but I thought that not to be selfish to her poor soul. I thought that because it made me reflect and want to change my life as well. Now I will admit, even though I did not know her all that well but from the few times I met her and saw her interact with my cousin, she really made an impression on my soul. I cried when I got alone and I prayed for her soul and for God to give her family strength to get through. R.I.P. M.T.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Living And Dealing With Life!

Sometimes I have to stop and think about what's important to me. We as human beings tend to get distracted by everything that's going on around us. We let things like what others say about us effect what we do and how we do things. We let family dictate our life happiness.

I have come to a point in my life where I will try my hardest not to let that happen. I plan on stressing less, laughing more and really just living my life for me. I refuse to turn 25/26 in a year or two and not be happy with my life. I refuse to see these ages and not have anything to show myself. To say I did that. I accomplished that. All by myself!!! No BSin around. My family will just have to face it. I love myself to much to not care and do for me.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Misleading Cars

So my current job is in the rental car business and I have to say that there is never a dull moment @my job. From the lack of common sense, to the utter stupidity of customers and coworkers. I must say I truely get a kick out of my work day.

Now who has ever gotten in a car that the features are misleading. Case in point the car has a satellite radio button but no satellite radio that come to find out is an extra fee that you have to pay.

Now I must commend Hyundai because one their cars finally told me the truth. I dislike it when I get into a car and the automatic window button says "auto" which means it will automatically roll down and up. Well we all know that this is not true. The Hyundai brand has put on some of their vehicles models that the window is "auto down" only. Which to many may not seem that important or as much of a big deal. But to me its just plain common sense and common courtesy.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Times

So this morning I wanted to see the Sunrise for the first time. I went by myself and I will admit at first I was a little worried because all I could think about was this is the kind of thing were girls get killed. All alone.............on a beach....................early in the morning. Just the type of scenario when some creepy guy comes up behind you and kidnaps you. Yeah you can catch my picture on the evening news saying that the last time anyone had ever seen me was the night before. So while I was waiting to see the sun rise, I had time to take in my surroundings and think and appreciate what I have. I began to realize that, of course, life only happens, when you make it happen. I have always wanted to see the sunrise and never wanted to do it alone or would just make any excuse as to why I haven't done it. Well ENOUGH of that. I really enjoyed myself, so from now on. I will start doing things that I have always wanted to do. I am tired of living life everyday wanting to do things and not accomplishing anything. I will try to blogging my success. As a matter of fact I will make a list.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Ok, this is really late but from now on every time I watch this new season of my hit show Supernatural I just have to vent all my questions, cares and concerns for the world. So I am going to try and be faithful to this blog by every week informing you on my favorite show but it may not be on schedule with the premiere night so bare with me a little bit.

Monday, October 18, 2010

How Do You Get Back What You May Have Already Lost?

Tonight I was talking to a good friend of mine's and we where discussing how ppl can come and go in your lives and how what you think you want is not always what you need. Yeah Yeah Yeah we have all heard of this before but have we actually stopped to think about what this truely means?

Like for instance with myself, I would like to get back in touch with a good friend but don't know if it will ever be possible. Not saying that we were the best of friends but we related to each other. See its funny how we pick and choose the people in our lives. This was truely a great person and I may have fucked it up by stepping out of line with my words. Now I can't say that this is what I need but I know when ppl are really there to be my friend and not. Trust me I have encounter those "users" before. I thank those "users" because they have helped me pick out the bullshit in my friend soup, so to speak. (yeah I'm weird like that, but that is not the case)

To me friendship is truely important and I for one knows who i want to be my friend and vice versa. Sometimes I wish more and more ppl had this logic and intuition but at last this can not be so. My friend that I spoke with also told me that I am already ahead of the game then he is but he upped me by 0.001% by stating after wanting this "thing/person" stop to think to yourself what does this person want from you? I told him that I totally understand and agree to what he was saying and in life we will never know the real truth to this question because lets all be honest with each other, Who really is honest with every person in their lives?

I have strayed from the topic here, but my question still needs to be answered. How do I go about finding the friend that I have lost? When simple means of communication is no longer an option. I suppose that I will have to rely on time.

"LIFE IS ALL ABOUT timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable.... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out because its all about TIMING."

Life is just simply THAT complex to me.